Frequently asked questions :
All you need to know !

What’s the difference between becoming a Clean-Up Ambassador and becoming a Clean-Up Organiser

When you become a Clean-Up Ambassador, you’ll receive your own clean-up supplies and arrange a clean-up when you want. It’s entirely up to you!
When you organise a clean-up, you must give at least three weeks’ notice and Bruxelles‑Propreté will loan you the clean-up supplies. The advantage is that there is not a limit on the amount of people who can take part. The location from which the filled bags will be collected by our vehicles is agreed in advance with the Bruxelles-Propreté  teams. We ask that the organiser notify their municipality.

Ambassador – free clean‑up kit

How do I register my bags?

Once your clean-up is complete, weigh your bags using the bag scale included in your kit. Then place them near a public garbage can.

You can then register your bags by scanning the QR code on the garbage bags supplied, or by logging on to your personal space on the website.

You'll need to indicate the number of bags collected and their location to enable our collection teams to come and collect them.

If you are part of a team, only the organizer must register the bags for the whole team.

Where do we leave our bags after the clean-up ?

After the clean-up, the Ambassador will leave the bags next to a public bin. He/She will register the bags using a QR code or directly on the platform 
If you’ve organised a group clean‑up without being an Ambassador, a collection site has been approved by our teams using the form.

What’s a team clean-up ?

As soon as you register as an Ambassador, you can access the “team” function. You then have two choices: join Ambassadors’ teams or create new ones. 

Teams can have a maximum of 10 members. If there are over 10 members, we ask that you complete a clean-up organisation form, to help with the logistics of our vehicles collecting a larger number of bags.

What does being a team leader involve ?

As the team leader, you arrange the clean-up. 

This means that you decide on the date and time of the clean-up, its location and status (open or closed team). You can invite people to join your team.  

The team leader is also responsible for registering the bags.

Can I join a team if I’m not an Ambassador ?

Yes, if you’re invited by the team leader. You just need to accept the invitation. The team leader will provide you with the clean-up supplies. You don’t need to create an account. 
Don’t know any team leaders? Join an open team. But how, exactly? You must have your own clean-up supplies and therefore be registered as a Clean-Up Ambassador in order to benefit from it.

Open or closed team: what’s the difference ?

An open team allows other Ambassadors to join your clean‑up (max. 10 members). If you create a closed team, you choose who to invite and no one else is permitted to join your group.

Run out of bags ?

As an Ambassador, you can order new bags directly from our platform using your profile.

Why do we need to register the bags ?

It’s important that you register your bags. This allows us to arrange for the bags to be collected quickly, but also lets us know how many clean‑ups you’ve carried out.  

Bags can be registered directly on the platform or via the QR code printed on your bags.

Clean-Up organiser – Loan of clean‑up supplies


How do I organise a clean-up ?

To organise a clean-up, please fill in the online request form at wakeupcleanup.brussel.  

Be sure to send us your request at least three weeks in advance to allow for the necessary arrangements to be made.

What is included in the clean-up supplies ?

Everything you need! We lend you litter pickers, gloves, bin bags and safety vests.

Is there a charge ?

No. The clean-up supplies are loaned completely free of charge.

Are the clean-up supplies suitable for use by children ?

Not all of them. Although fully functional and safe for adults, our supplies are not specifically designed for very young children. For example, young children may have difficulty using the litter pickers we provide, as they are sized for use by adults. 

However, we do have child-sized vests and gloves.

How can I collect my supplies before the clean-up ?

Your clean-up supplies will be available three days before the clean-up at the reception desk of the Bruxelles-Propreté offices located at 12 avenue de Broqueville, 1150 Woluwe‑Saint‑Pierre.

Is it possible to have the supplies delivered ?

No, the supplies can only be delivered in exceptional cases.

Can the clean-up be scheduled on a public holiday ?

Yes. Your bags can be picked up on a public holiday, depending on the availability of our teams. Contact us to discuss the details.


Is it possible to have several bag drop-off points ?

Yes, all you have to do is let us know in advance the exact locations and times for each drop-off point. 
This will enable us to plan the collection with our trucks.

What if we come across bulky items ?

We don't recommend collecting bulky items. We advise you to report them via the Fix My Street  application.

Can you send along facilitators to raise awareness of sorting during the clean-up ?

No, unfortunately, we no longer offer a facilitation service. However, we can provide you with educational literature to help you raise participants' awareness.

What goes into the PMD and residual bags?

We have a sorting checklist with images of the waste listed according to bag colour (PMD blue and residual white). We can send it to you on request.


How do I return the supplies? Is it possible to keep the supplies an extra day?

Litter pickers and gloves must be returned no later than two working days after the clean-up to the offices of Bruxelles-Propreté, avenue de Brocqueville. If you need to loan them for a longer period, please contact us to find out what can be done.

How is the bag collection organised ?

All clean-up bags are collected by Bruxelles-Propreté at the pick-up points you have indicated. There's no need to make arrangements with the city or municipality for white bags.

Is it possible to dispose of the bin bags in our own containers ?

Yes, you can dispose of the bin bags in your own containers if this is more convenient for you and if the building has a contract with Agence Bruxelles-Propreté. We will need to be informed of this at the planning stage.

What’s the procedure if the clean‑up is cancelled ?

Has your clean-up been cancelled? Please inform us immediately so that we can adjust the schedule of our collection teams!

Is it possible to organise a clean‑up over several days ?

Yes, we can support your clean-up over several days. Please let us know the exact dates and times for dropping off the rubbish bags on each day.

Do I have to return the supplies at the end of the clean-up ?

Yes, vests, litter pickers and gloves must be returned no later than two working days after the event.